Becoming a member of Disabled Motoring UK not only entitles you to a great range of benefits, it also lends your voice to our campaigns.
Because Disabled Motoring UK is run for disabled people by disabled people, full membership is only open to people with a disability that affects their mobility. Full members can vote at the AGM and stand for election to become a trustee of the charity.
Associate membership is open to non-disabled people who wish to help support the work that we do. Associate members are still entitled to many of the benefits we offer, including our monthly magazine.
Joint membership offers a discount to two members (either full or associate) living at the same address. You will receive one copy of the magazine to share but you are both entitled to any of the other benefits that you would enjoy from a single membership.
You can set up by telephone or by post.
Call us on 01508 489 449 to join over the phone.
Membership Subscriptions

Please Note: You do NOT have to be a member of PayPal to order our products. After you click the "Proceed to checkout" click Continue, just above the card logos and below "Don't have a PayPal account?"
Click on "Add to Cart" to purchase.
All prices are including VAT.
£20.00 per year
1. Full Membership:
One year's membership for a disabled person. £20 per year
2. Associate Membership:
£20 per year One year's membership for the family, friend or carer of a disabled person £20.00
3. Joint Membership:
£30 per year One year's membership for two disabled persons or associates living at the same address.
4. Lifetime Membership:
one-off payment A lifetime membership for a disabled person or an associate. £320.00
£250 plus VAT
5. Corporate Membership
One year's membership for a set number of employees at a company.
For more information Click Here
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